Link Search Menu Expand Document
Table of contents
  1. Footer (Footer Bottom)
  2. Footer Widgets(Footer Top)
  3. Footer Top - Typography
  4. Footer Bottom - Typography


  1. Enable Footer Bottom (Copyright Text) - Enable or disable the footer bottom copyright text area.
  2. Select Footer Layout - Select site footer layout style.
  3. Enable Social Media Icons - Enable or disable the footer Social Media Icons.
  4. Footer Text - Change your footer copyright text.
  5. Footer Bottom Area Spacing (padding) - Footer Bottom Area top and bottom Spacing (padding).
  6. Enable “Go To Top” button - Enable or disable the button in the right down corner that takes you to the top of the screen.
  7. Footer Background - Footer Widgets background with image & color.


  1. Enable Widgets (Footer Top Area) - Enable or disable the button Enable Widgets.
  2. Footer Top Width - Footer top custom width.
  3. Footer Top Spacing (padding) - Choose the spacing for footer top widgets area padding.
  4. Select Footer Layout - Select site footer layout style.
  5. Footer Widgets Area Background - Footer Widgets background with image & color.
  6. Footer SVG Seperator - Select the SVG Seperator for Footer options(SVG Footer Separator, Separator Height, Separator Fill Color, Separator Background Color, Flip/Inverted Separator).


  1. Title - Footer top title typography.
  2. Text - Footer top text typography.
  3. Footer Link Color - Footer menu link (anchor tag) color for regular, hover and active.


  1. Text - Footer Bottom Typography.
  2. Footer Link Color - Footer menu link (anchor tag) color for regular, hover and active.