Link Search Menu Expand Document
Table of contents
  1. Product Carousel - General
  2. Product Carousel - Data Options
  3. Product Carousel - Design


  1. Total Number of Products to show - Enter the total number of product item to show in this carousel.
  2. Number of Columns - Total number of columns in a row.
  3. Enable Carousel Arrow - Enable or disable the carousel arrow navigation.
  4. Enable Carousel Indicators - Enable or disable the carousel dot indicators.
  5. Carousel Dragable - Enable or disable the carousel Dragable.
  6. Loop - Looping through images
  7. Carousel Image lazy Load - Enabled the carousel image lazy load.
  8. Carousel Autoplay - Enable or disable the carousel autoplay.
  9. Carousel Interval/autoplay Timeout - The amount of time in milliseconds. Default:- 7000
  10. Carousel Item Spacing (Margin) - Margin in pixels. Ex. 10
  11. Item Height - Leave it blank for automatic height depending on image natural height(px value). Example:- 22


  1. Products Filter (Shortcodes)
    (A). Recent Products
    (B). Best Selling Products
    (C). Sale Products
    (D). Featured Products
    (E). Top Rated Products
    (F). Product Category
    (G). Products
    - (1). Products By Products IDs - To show the spacific products. Please Write product IDs separated by comma. eg. 120,121,123
    - (2)Products by Products SKUs - To show the spacific products. Please Write product SKUs separated by comma. eg. summer,winter
    (H). Product Attribute
  2. Category - Select Product Single or Multipule Category. Note:: If you select “Products Filter (Shortcodes)” as “Product Category” then this field is required.
  3. Order by - Sort retrieved posts by selected parameter.
  4. Order - Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘Order by‘ parameter. Defaults is descending.


  1. CSS box - Products carousel item block styles.