Link Search Menu Expand Document

Social Media

Table of contents
  1. Social Media Links
  2. Social Media Share


  1. Social Media Style - Select global social media links style.
  2. Display Social Links Icon - Select the social links icon to display in menu.
  3. Social Network Links - Define and reorder these however you want. Please write full url, including “http://” or “https://” E.g. Social media links are:- (twitter, linkedin, facebook, flickr, instagram, pinterest, youtube, vimeo, medium, dribbble , tumblr, foursquare, github, xing, rss, dropbox, digg, reddit, soundcloud, spotify, bitbucket, xing, phone, paypal, vk , snapchat, qq, wechat, telegram, skype, whatsapp, meetup, email, website).

Social Media Share


  1. Display Social Media Share Buttons - Enable or disable the Social Media Share Buttons at Single Posts.
  2. Social Media Share Button for Post types - Select the post types to enable social media share button for those post type only
  3. Social Media Share Button - Define and reorder these however you want. Note:- Click on Eye Button to show or hide. Social Media Share Buttons are:- (twitter, linkedin, facebook, pinterest, skype, reddit, digg, telegram, whatsapp, tumblr, vk, print, gmail, yahoo, email).