Link Search Menu Expand Document
Table of contents
  1. Header
  2. Header Menu
  3. Title & Breadcrumb
  4. Top Bar
  5. Topbar Styles
  6. Sticky Header



  1. Select Header Layout -Select site header layout style.
  2. Header Primary menu alignment - Header primary menu (Main menu) position/alignment.
  3. Header Secondary menu alignment- Header secondary menu position/alignment.
  4. Mobile Menu Breakpoint (Width) - Mobile menu breakpoint for the responsive design.
  5. Header Spacing (padding) - Choose the spacing for top/bottom as you want(padding).
  6. Header Border Option - Border Options for the header.
  7. Header Background - Background for the header.
  8. Header Shadow - Offset X(horizontal) & Offset Y(vertical) value can be negative.

Header Menu

Header Primary & Secondary menu options!


  1. Header Menu Item Spacing (padding) - Allow your users to choose the spacing or margin they want.
  2. Header Menu Text Color - Header menu link (anchor tag) color for regular, hover and active.
  3. Menu Fonts - Specify the menu font properties.
  4. Menu Shadow - Offset X(horizontal) & Offset Y(vertical) value can be negative.

Title & Breadcrumb


  1. Enable Header Title Bar - Enable or disable the Header Title and Breadcrumb Bar.
  2. Title & Breadcrumb Alignment - Title & Breadcrumb position/alignment.
  3. Enable Header Page Title - Control page title on “Title & Breadcrumb” area.
  4. Enable Breadcrumb/Search box - Breadcrumb or Search box on “Title & Breadcrumb” area.
  5. Breadcrumb Title Length (characters) - Control the breadcrumb title length by specifying the number of characters.
  6. Title Bar Spacing (padding) - Choose the spacing for top/bottom as you want(padding).
  7. Title Bar Border - Border Options for the Title Bar.
  8. Title Bar Background - Background for the title bar.
  9. Breadcrumb Link Color - Titlebar link (anchor tag) color for regular, hover and active.
  10. Page Title - Typography option with each property can be called individually.

Top Bar


  1. Enable Header Top Bar - Enable or disable the Header Top Bar.
  2. Left Column/Section - Organize how you want the layout to appear on the topbar left column.
  3. Right Column/Section - Organize how you want the layout to appear on the topbar right column.
  4. Custom Text - Topbar custom text.

Topbar Styles


  1. Topbar Background - Pick a background color for the top bar.
  2. Topbar Border Option - Border Options for the Topbar.
  3. Topbar Link Color - Topbar menu link (anchor tag) color for regular, hover and active.
  4. Topbar Typography - Topbar Typography option with each property can be called individually.


  1. Enable Sticky Header - Enable or disable the sticky header.
  2. Sticky Header Logo - Upload sticky header logo. It will be applied when header is sticky only.
  3. Sticky Header Background - Sticky header background with image & color.
  4. Sticky Header Text Color - Sticky header all kind of text color incluing link color.
  5. Sticky Header Spacing (padding) - Choose the spacing for top/bottom as you want(padding).
  6. Sticky Header Shadow - Offset X(horizontal) & Offset Y(vertical) value can be negative.