Portfollio Grid
Table of contents
- Portfollio Carousel - General
- Portfollio Carousel - Data Options
- Portfollio Carousel - Design
Portfollio Carousel - General

- Number of Item - Total number of portfolio to show per page.
- Number of Columns - Total number of columns.
- Item Fixd Height - Portfolio item fixed height in px. Default is auto.
- Show Category Filter? - Show/Hide category filter.
- Filter Color - Category filter color.
- Image full width (No gutters)? - No white space between columns..? To chenage item gap between Portfolio Item Spacing.
- Customize Excerpt - Show portfolio item excerpt in word. To hide excerpt put 0 or blank.
- Pagination Style - Select the pagination style.
Portfollio Carousel - Data Options

- Offset - Number of post to displace or pass over. If you want to skip the 5 posts and start with 6’th post on this block, then simply enter 5.
- Order by - Sort retrieved posts by selected parameter.
- Order - Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘Order by‘ parameter. Defaults is descending.
Portfollio Carousel - Design

- Hover Background Color - Portfollio item hover background color.
- Hover Text Color - Portfollio item hover test color.
- CSS box - Portfollio item block styles.